Installing PIP

PIP is a package management system used to install and manage software packages written in Python. It stands for “preferred installer program” or “Pip Installs Packages.”

Step 1: Check if PIP is Already Installed

Before you install PIP on Windows, check if PIP is already installed.

Type in the following command at the command prompt:

$ pip help

If PIP responds, then PIP is installed. Otherwise, there will be an error saying the program could not be found.

Installing PIP On Windows

Step 1: Download PIP

Before installing PIP, download the file: on

Download the file to the desired folder in Windows. You can save the file to any location, but remember the path so you can use it later.

Step 2: Installing PIP on Windows

Open the Command Prompt if it isn’t already open. Use the cd command followed by a folder name to navigate to the location of the file. This is the folder you previously used as the download location.

To install PIP type in the following:

$ python

Step 3: Verify Installation

Once you’ve installed PIP, you can test whether the installation has been successful by typing the following:

pip help

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